We now have an animated video describing our support groups! Yes, really! Although our groups are on hold for now, we didn’t want to wait any longer to shout about this beautiful piece of work made pro bono for us by Fiasco Design . We hope this shows what you can expect from our support groups, either in the future, or in our current online groups.

We understand this is a tough time for a lot of people, and we are doing everything we can to replicate the experience our members are used to in an online format. If you want to learn more about how our online support groups operate, or you are thinking about attending an online support group, please follow this link: https://changesbristol.org.uk/support-groups/online-meetings/

Fiasco Design are a Bristol-based creative agency working across brand, digital and motion. Working with them has been a dream. Approachability, professionalism, creativity and care: they nail it all. We’re a lucky charity.