This web post has been put together by Changes Members, Volunteers and Staff. Thank you to all those who have contributed.
We recognise that the past year has brought with it its own challenges but we are proud of how members, volunteers, and staff continue to support each other with personal and societal challenges. As we go into the new year we want to continue to create safe spaces for people of all backgrounds to share and support each other.
Reflecting on the past present and future
It is common for people to evaluate where they are at this time of year, what they have achieved in the past year and what they would like to achieve in the year ahead, but this can be difficult when your life contains struggles that many others don’t experience.  Try not to be too hard on yourself and compare yourself to others or to where you thought you could have been if things were different.  You have come through another year and you are amazing for that.
Think of some of the positive things you have experienced, some joys, some challenges you overcame, some moments of calm, a time when you successfully implemented your boundaries
  • What do you feel hasn’t served you and you would like to change
  • What joy have you felt? How could you add more of this in?
  • What joy would you like to feel? What activities would help you feel this?
  • Give yourself credit for being an amazing you.  You are the best at being you and no-one can ask for more.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone is in a different situation and you are doing the best that you can.

Activity Recourses that my help reflection and processing 

Year Compass is a free booklet that helps you reflect on the year and plan the next one. With a set of carefully selected questions and exercises, YearCompass helps you uncover your own patterns and design the ideal year for yourself.

Learn from your mistakes, celebrate your victories, and set out a path you want to walk on. All you need is a quiet few hours and our booklet.

The Year Tree is a tool developed by Change in Nature, it invites you to Imagine your year as a tree — the soil representing what nourishes you, the root network representing the people who support you, the trunk what strengthens you, the fruits as your gifts to the world and the falling leaves as what you release. The Year Tree invites you to pause, reflect and connect with your experiences over the past year while envisioning the path ahead.

Once you have reflected it may be helpful to share this reflection and any intention you have set, or let go of it in some way. This might look like safely burying or burning your writing, moving your body physically to shake off the thoughts, speaking the reflections aloud to yourself, or speaking aloud to a trusted person or group.

If you would like to come along to a change group to share with others you can find a full list of our groups here.

Changes member Phil R found writing down and sharing his reflection on time spent with his family at Christmas a helpful process. Read Phil R’s reflections below:

Recovering from family related trauma – Not quite there yet but getting better