Legacy Donation

Charitable legacies can be left through a will or by a declaration to the executors of the will with instructions as to how and to which charity the bequest is to be distributed.

It is not enough for donors to just inform family or friends that they would like to leave a gift to a charity after their death. They will need to make a will if they do not have one, or add a codicil (a short amendment) to their existing will that mentions the type of gift and the name of the charities that they would like to benefit from it.

It is sensible to seek independent legal advice if you are thinking of leaving a charitable gift in your will to ensure you have fulfilled the necessary legal requirements. Further information on accessing legal advice can be found on the Citizens advice website.

This section answers questions we are often asked by people thinking about including Changes Bristol in their will. If your question is not answered here do not hesitate to contact us.

Frequently asked questions

Important note

Simple errors in wording can create confusion and delay in carrying out people’s wishes. This is why we strongly recommend you use a solicitor to prepare your Will.

It is important, for instance, that Changes Bristol’s name, address and registered charity number are put properly into a Will.

I would like to leave a gift to Changes Bristol in my will. What wording should be used?

If you have decided that you would like to leave a gift to Changes Bristol in your will, we suggest the following wordings for you to share with the solicitor who is preparing your will.

A gift of a share of the estate (a residuary gift):

’I give to Changes Bristol Ltd, Charity registered in England and Wales no 1167828, of Wellspring Settlement, 41-43 Ducie Road, Lawrence Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX (hereinafter called Changes Bristol) the residue (or % share of the residue) of my estate absolutely and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of Changes Bristol and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the trustee board of Changes Bristol shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.’

A fixed sum (a pecuniary gift):

‘I give to Changes Bristol Ltd, Charity registered in England and Wales no 1167828, of Wellspring Settlement, 41-43 Ducie Road, Lawrence Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX (hereinafter called Changes Bristol) the sum of £_______ and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of Changes Bristol and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the trustee board of Changes Bristol shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.’

What is Changes Bristol’s postal address and its charity number?

The address of our headquarters is:

Changes Bristol, Wellspring Settlement, 41-43 Ducie Road, Lawrence Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX

Changes Bristol Ltd is a registered charity: England and Wales no. 1167828

How important is a will?

Many people make false assumptions about what will happen to their estate if they do not have a will. Not leaving a will could result in lengthy and expensive complications for your family to sort out.

When should I write a will?

Now, if you haven’t already done so. If you already have a will, you should review it regularly, particularly when your personal circumstances change. For example, if you get married or divorced, you have new children or grandchildren, or you move house.

Can I write my own will?

Yes, although a ‘do it yourself’ will may prove to be a false economy. One tiny error can invalidate the entire will, so we strongly recommend that you employ a solicitor to do the work.

What are the tax advantages of leaving money to charity?

There are tax benefits to leaving charitable gifts in your will. In certain circumstances, especially with larger estates, a charitable bequest can be a useful way to avoid the payment of inheritance tax on some or all of your estate.  The Gov.uk website has further information on tax relief when you donate to a charity.


If you have any queries on the wording, please contact us. Further information on how family and friends can donate in memory of a loved one can be found HERE.

Registered address

Changes Bristol
Barton Hill Settlement
41-43 Ducie Road
Lawrence Hill

Charity details

Registered Charity Number

Registered Company Number

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