Our team

Meet our volunteers

Volunteers form the backbone of our charity and we like to celebrate them wherever we can.  Our 2019 survey of volunteers revealed the following:

  • “Changes has had a positive impact on my own mental health” 90% 90%
  • “I have had personal experience of mental health problems” 96% 96%
  • “Volunteering with Changes has improved my self-confidence” 85% 85%

We have a range of volunteering roles including meeting facilitators, office administrators, marketing assistants, Mend for Good sewers and fundraising committee members.  Scroll down for testimonials from volunteers who can tell you what working with our charity has meant for them.

If you’re interested in joining us as a volunteer and want some more information on each of these roles, click here.

I’ve enjoyed volunteering with Changes so much that I want to continue facilitating groups in my next city”

Sean, Changes Bristol Volunteer Facilitator (2 years)

Meet Lauren

Volunteer Meeting Facilitator and Charity Ambassador Lauren talks about what she does with us and what makes it special.  She’s also a bit of a social media whizz and helps us out in the office with that on a regular basis.

Meet Gary

Gary is a long-term Volunteer Meeting Facilitator. Watch his video to see how Changes has impacted on his mental health. 

Meet Leanna 

A word from Leanna, an Office & Events Volunteer

“Volunteering in the Changes office is so varied! Every week I’m doing something different, like ordering supplies for the next Mend for Good event, or contacting businesses about being a charity partner.

A bonus of working in the office is that the staff are so friendly and always helpful”  

Registered address

Changes Bristol
Barton Hill Settlement
41-43 Ducie Road
Lawrence Hill

Charity details

Registered Charity Number

Registered Company Number

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